1 мая 2011 г. в ГлазгоУстановите Flash Player и/или разрешите в браузере JavaScript, чтобы включить видео.
03.05.2011 - 12:44
Unite union leader Len McCluskey called on Scottish workers to stop the Con-Dem cuts today, telling May Day celebrations in Glasgow that "anything is possible, anything is achievable" when workers unite. Thousands of people celebrated International Workers Day across Scotland with marches and live music. Mr McCluskey joined a range of labour movement speakers in Glasgow for the biggest celebration in years, organised by Glasgow Friends of May Day and the local trades council. Among the celebration of working-class culture was a serious message of resistance to the Tory-led government cuts. Mr McCluskey said he was proud to be back in Glasgow with its historic "reputation for fighting back" against oppression and injustice. Quoting legendary Scottish communists John MacLean and Willie Gallacher, the Unite general secretary called on Scottish Labour to "regain its radical edge" to provide an alternative to the cuts. "It's no good embracing the concept of cuts but that we won't cut as fast. There should be no cuts," he said. "New Labour philosophy - that slavish ideology of neoliberalism - has failed." Mr McCluskey backed the People's Charter for change and put paid to the Tory claim that throwing 1.5 million people on the dole would solve the deficit. "It's all lies," the Unite leader said. "This isn't just left-wing rhetoric. Eminent economists say we could go into double-dip recession." His sentiments were shared by Glasgow City Unison speaker Brian Smith, who called on union leaders to enact the TUC policy of co-ordinated industrial action to defend public services. Mr Smith highlighted the desperate situation across Scotland, revealing that in some wards one in three people were unemployed. "In Glasgow alone, 10,000 jobs in total could be lost in the city." He said councils "will have the trade union movement on their side" if they set "needs budgets" based on what should be funded rather than what the Con-Dem cuts allow. STUC general council member Joy Dunn said her union PCS had proposed a "strike for the alternative" alongside teaching unions ATL and UCU, which could take place in the summer. Ms Dunn drew attention to the "disgraceful and immoral" situation where cleaners in the royal household were struggling to win the London living wage against the backdrop of the "extravagance and pomp" of the royal wedding. The event also paid tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Upper Clyde Shipyards work-in, which saw workers take control of production at the yard after it was earmarked for closure. The forthcoming Scottish elections were a hot topic. Glasgow Anniesland Communist candidate Marc Livingstone told the Star: "This is the most militant atmosphere I have ever seen at May Day. "If that can be carried into the wider movement, then we can really have a chance to stop these illegitimate and unnecessary cuts."
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